Game " Simon Says" — rules, options, movements
If you are not familiar with this fun, mobile game, you are here on the right place.
If you have already played it, you may be interested to know what unusual variants of movements (commands) can be used to make the game more fun.
Rules of the game "Simon says...»
"Simon says..." (Simon says...) is a very popular game in English — speaking countries. It can be participated by three people, where one participant becomes the lead i.e. Simon, who gives commands, for example:"Simon says: Clap your hands". The other players must execute the command. Simon gives commands quickly, and participants need hurry up, and quickly perform them, otherwise they will be eliminated. In addition, the order must necessarily begin with the words " Simon says ...", otherwise it cannot be executed, and if one of the players will do it, he is eliminated.
The variation of the game is the one when nobody is eliminated.
This is a game for the development of mindfulness and it increases the speed of reaction in children, improves coordination. And in our case, also on a clear understanding of the commands in English.
Since the game is very active, it can be used in English lessons as a PE. In the background a dynamic melody may sound, but not loud.
In the role of Simon it is better for a teacher to act as, children cannot always maintain the pace of the game.
Touch your nose. — Дотронься до своего носа.
Raise your hand(s). — Подними руку(и).
Raise you left (right) arm. — Подними левую (правую) руку.
Close your eyes. — Закрой глаза.
Touch your ear(s). — Дотронься до уха (ушей).
Sit down. — Сядь.
Stand up. — Встань.
Stretch up. — Потянись.
Touch you toe(s). — Дотронься до пальца(ев) ног.
Rub you chick. — Потри свою щеку.
Move your head down (up, to the left, to the right). — Наклони голову вперед (вверх, влево, вправо).
Могут быть использованы разные глаголы движения jump, run, hop, turn around, march и другие.
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