Best Tools for your Lessons

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There’s a gazillion cool online tools nowadays to use at the lesson.
I love trying out new things with students so decided to create this site and organise some useful Tools.

Learning Vocabulary
Do you like using a mobile phone? Download the program with the cards with the words and
pictures (flashcards) and then learning the words will be  pleasant and as easy as a pie! ( for instance,

the application "Anki. ankiMobile Flashcards)

Brainstorming Ideas
  1. AnswerGarden – is a word cloud site that collects words and phrases.   Great for brainstorming, collecting ideas, feedback etc.   
  2. – used to create color brainstorms and mind maps.
  3. Wallwishers - an online notice board creator.  It’s a really fast and easy way to create engaging activities to use with students.  Learn more about Wallwisher here.
Comic and Cartoon Ideas
  1. Bitstrips  
  2. ToonDoo  
Poll and Survey Instruments
  1. Google Forms
  2. PollDaddy 
  3. PollEverywhere
Presentation Assistants
  1. AuthorStream -  - A site where you can host your presentations and share with others.  
  2. Fotobabble – lets  you create a talking photo.  Excellent for speaking practising.
  3. Glogster – lets you combine images, video, music, photos and audio to create interactive posters.   
  4. Prezi – is an online presentation and story telling tool that uses a single canvas instead of traditional series of slides.  The images, text, videos and other objects are placed on the canvas and users can zoom in and out.  Here’s a Prezi embedded in a blog post.
  5. SlideShare – A site where you can host your presentations and share with others.  Ideal for those who want to embed Presentations in their posts and websites rather than upload their PowerPoints directly and insert as a link.  It’s also an excellent site for locating Presentations created by others.  Check out a SlideShare embedded in a blog post here!
  6. Scribd – allows you to upload your MS Word documents, PDFs, PowerPoints and then share them within an embedded viewer on your blog.  Here’s an example of a Scribd embedded in a blog post – check out the Scribd as it contains cool tips for backing up your blog!
  7. VoiceThreads – Creates an interactive slideshow using images or videos.  Allows others to leave comments on each photo by adding text, audio or video.  You can check out the VoiceThread in our post for advanced bloggers.
  8. Voki – allows you to create talking avatars.  Excellent for speaking practise and engaging students.  Here’s a Voki embedded in a blog post.
Slide Show Helpers
  1. BookR – Super easy slide show maker.
  2. Flickr – Flickr is a PhotoSharing website for hosting and sharing your photos online.    
  3. PhotoPeach – lets you quickly upload photos to make great looking slideshows and even simple quizzes. Here’s a PhotoPeach embedded in a blog post and here’s instructions for creating PhotoPeach quizzes.
  4. Slides – Super easy slide show maker.
Quiz Creation sites
  1. QuizRevolution – allows you to quickly create quizzes with images and/or videos.
  2. PhotoPeach – lets you quickly upload photos to make great looking slideshows and even simple quizzes. Here’s a PhotoPeach embedded in a blog post and here’s instructions for creating PhotoPeach quizzes.
Video Creation Helpers
  1. Animoto – great site for quickly creating professional looking videos from your images.  Here’s an Animoto embedded in a blog post.
  2. xtranormal – lets you create 3D animated videos.
Video Hosting Tools
Here’s some of the popular sites
  1. Blip TV
  2. Vimeo
  3. YouTube

Audio Hosting Tools

Here’s some more of the popular sites used by educators.
  1. Audio Boo – check out these Audio Boos used for practicing Grammar.
  2. SoundCloud – check out  these embedded SoundClouds.
  3. Vocaroo – here’s an example of Vocaroo used for teaching reading Fluency.
  4. Mailvu
    Mailvu is quite similar to Vocaroo, but has added functionality: students can video record themselves. There is no need to register, click on share and you'll get a link to your video which you can send to anyone.  Watch this tutorial to learn how to use it in class.
Clipart Library

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