пятница, 19 октября 2018 г.

An old building

Into the Unknown

Today one more interesting association test

1. You are in an old abandoned building, where for many years no man has gone before, and notice a staircase leading to the dungeon. Slowly you make your way down, counting the steps. One step... two... three... How many steps does this ladder have?
2. There is complete darkness in the space in the dungeon. Then, from the darkness, you hear the sounds of another person. Is this man crying quietly? Moaning without words? Is that the voice whispering to you?
3. How do you react to the sound of this strange person? Are you trying to determine the source of the sound? Your first wish is to rush up the stairs without looking back? Or have you been paralyzed by fear and unable to move?
4. Now you hear someone calling your name and see a figure coming down the stairs. Who is this man coming down the stairs to you?


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